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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 08/22/06

Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Andy Goldman, Jane Slater, Karin Wetmore, Warren Doty and Bill Randol.  Also attending were Tim Carroll and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Absent were Russell Maloney and Janet Weidner.     

Mr. Goldman opened the meeting at 5:02 PM.
1.      STONE WALL RESTORATION – PHASE II:  Chuck H. informed the committee that the deadline for quotes was extended to September 18 @ 4:00 PM.  The draft letter that will be sent to abutting property owners was approved with minor adjustments.  The committee agreed with the suggestion to ask abutting property owners to continue maintaining the cleared stone walls after the initial restoration is finished.

2.      MENEMSHA ICE MACHINE - GOVERNOR’S SEAPORT ADVISORY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR FUNDING:  Chuck H. distributed a memo from the Health Inspector outlining the Division of Fisheries health code regulations for salt water ice machines.  The water must be potable if used for salt water ice.  The Health Department plans to test the water in the Menemsha Harbor basin but does not believe it will pass as potable water because of the boat traffic and fuels.  After discussion the committee agreed to stop pursuing this project and not submit the grant request to the Governor’s Seaport Council.
3.      ROBERT THORSON SEMINAR ON HISTORIC STONE WALLS:  Chuck H. updated the Committee and said Mr. Thorson has not returned calls or emails.  The committee agreed to stop pursuing his project.
4.      CPC MIDDLE LINE ROAD (MLR) SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATE:  Messrs. Doty and Goldman updated the committee on the Project Process Committee’s plan for the upcoming September 25th Special Town Meeting.  The 21.4-acre parcel will be sub divided into seven lots – six for homesite lots that will be leased to qualified applicants.  It will be the recipient’s responsibility to build the homes on these lots.  The seventh lot will be for a complex of six rental units.   Mr. Doty also informed the committee that architect David Handlin has volunteered his services to design the Middle Line Road plan.  The Town may also seek funds for site development at the Special Town Meeting.

5.      SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT ARTICLES:  Tim Carroll reviewed the proposed Warrant Articles for the upcoming Special Town Meeting.  

A motion to approve the article to reserve the fiscal year 2007 amounts of $30,500.00 each for the Open Space, Historic Preservation and Housing Reserve Funds and the balance of $213,000.00 for the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve Fund was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

The request for Historic Preservation Funds to replace the windows and doors on the Community Center was reviewed.  After much discussion a motion to approve the following warrant article was made, seconded and unanimously approved:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a total of $37,500.00 to replace the windows and doors on the Town’s fifty-year-old Community Center and bring it into building code compliance.  The windows and doors will be consistent with the architectural design of the structure as determined by the Historical Commission.  The funds will be generated as follows:  The unspent amount of  $11,220.00 from the September 2004 Special Town Meeting Warrant Article # 12 appropriation to bury the power lines at the Menemsha School will be transferred to this project.  An additional $26,280.00 will come from the Historic Preservation Reserve Fund.  

Mr. Carroll presented the background on the Town’s need to preserve vital historic town records and had several samples of old Annual Town Reports and Town Meeting documents.  While the committee agreed with the need to preserve these historic records it asked if this should be a town administrative expense rather than a use of CPA Historic Preservation funds.  After much discussion a motion to approve the request for $10,000 of CPA Historic Preservation Funds to preserve several historic vital town records was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  Mr. Carroll will draft the final Warrant Article.

6.      BURY POWER LINES ON BASIN ROAD IN MENEMSHA:  Mr. Carroll summarized the logistics, rough costs and pros and cons for burying the power lines along Basin Road in Menemsha.  The estimated cost was $280,000.  After discussion the committee agreed a Historic Preservation appropriation of this magnitude would not be consistent with the long-term plan to use a majority of CPA funds for affordable housing programs.  The committee agreed to not pursue this project at this time.

7.      TAX/TITLE PROPERTIES:  Chuck H. briefed the committee on the progress of the Town’s unknown owner land court foreclosure proceedings for two parcels along King’s Highway:  Map 12 Lots 21 and 23.  The committee will take no action at this time.  Mr. Randol will review the information with the Housing Committee.  
8.      CPA FUND STATUS AS OF 7/31/06:  The new format for tracking CPA funds status will be reviewed at the next meeting.  

9.      MINUTES:  The 6/27/06 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

10.     NEXT MEETING:  The next CPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at    5:00 PM.  This is the day after the Special Town Meeting.      

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.